

 I read "The Gingerbread Man".

「the gingerbread man」の画像検索結果 Once upon a time, an old woman baked a gingerbread man. She put it on a plate to cool. But the naughty cookie jumped off the plate and dashed out the door.

 Gingerbread Man was deceived by Fox. So I thought that it was a judgment on him for making a fool of an old woman and a dog and a cow.


gingerbread: ショウガクッキー

Borlasca,H.(2006).The Gingerbread Man.New York,NY:Scholastic

1 件のコメント:

  1. Borlasca,H.(2006).The Gingerbread Man.New York,NY:Scholastic
    Findley, V. (2006). The Gingerbread Man. New York, NY: Scholastic.

    Notice how to use spaces. And notice also how we list the book with the author rather than the illustrator.


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