

 I read "Mirror Island".

 Chip was in his bedroom. He was busy drawing. "Chip!" called Biff. "Wilf and Wilma are here!" Chip went downstairs. Chip showed them his drawing. He had made a pattern. "What is it?" asked Wilf. "It looks like a word," said Wilma. "Come up to my room," said Chip. "Then I can show you."

 I want to find the treasure chest too! And if I find the treasure chest, I convert it into the money and donate it to poor people.

「Mirror Island」の画像検索結果



Roderick,H.(2002) Mirror Island, New York

2 件のコメント:

My Journey

Sayaka Iseri 1712003 2018.10.12 Essay#1     My life is like a journey. I bumped into a lot of walls as the ship crashed ...