
Vampire killer

「Vampire Killer 本」の画像検索結果  "Dracula is a book, but this is true. There is a vampire here in your town. I     
   must find it and kill it and kill it tonight or... (p.6)

  I wandered that there is a vampire really so I want to see a vampire. And I often read the book "Twilight". This story's main character is a vampire so I remenbered  when I read this book. And I had heard that vampires didn't die forever. So I have a interesting idea that if all of people in the world became vampire, we wouldn't have to be afraid of death. But if we can live forever, we may have so many worry that we don't have one now. 
 I considered many things when I read this book. 

S.Paul, "Vampire Killer" (2000)

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